Free Shipping! 10% off when you spend $75! Summer sale on hoodies! Check my shit out and enjoy 🖤 Also arrest the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor ✊🏿 No Karen’s ❌
Free Shipping! 10% off when you spend $75! Summer sale on hoodies! Check my shit out and enjoy 🖤 Also arrest the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor ✊🏿 No Karen’s ❌
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Hey bitches 🖤

(I know this shit is lengthy but I have to do it, unfortunately)

First of all, thank you for following instructions and clicking on the link. There are a few things that you should know before placing an order on my website. Nothing major just some small stuff to eliminate any confusion really.

Okay, so to be completely transparent and just be real with everyone, I personally do not make these products. I make the designs, and all that good stuff and I choose a printing company that fulfills and ships my orders for me. It’s basically called printing on demand so when a customer places an order, the order gets sent to the printing company where all the magic happens. Because to be quite honest I don’t want a house full of shipping products and doing the literal most. Choices. But the products and printers I have chosen are some of the best in the business. Shirts are super soft and stretchy, you know what kind of shirts I’m talking about. They run true to size and like I said have a really good stretch to them so they’re kind of longer on the length. For me personally I usually wear a medium but I order larges for myself so that way I don’t have to stretch them out but they’ll fit the way that a medium would fit stretched out on me if that makes sense? Idk there’s sizing charts on there. 

With that being said, the company I use currently is really like a third-party system (notice a trend?) and it connects people like me with multiple choices of different companies that offer different colors of shirts or fabrics etc. So for instance, currently tank tops are made by a different company than T-shirts and hoodies so, therefore, they will be made and shipped out at separate times even though you made one purchase so if you don’t get all of your items at once be aware there are multiple tracking codes and if you ever want an update feel free to reach out and email me @ ( if you lose your tracking number or if you don’t get sent one for any reason. One tracking number is good for a group of the same items like if you ordered three shirts you would get one tracking number if you got two shirts and two tank tops you would have two tracking numbers basically. I offer free standard shipping on all orders in the U.S. currently. And so far all my printing companies have a very fast turn around rate and avg wait time till you receive your order is generally 10 to 15 days after initially placing the order. We live in an ever-changing world obviously if you look outside your window or turn on the TV so those dates are subject to change; could be sooner could be later. So far from what I have seen it has been sooner but, and this is a big but, your patience is greatly appreciated if something does occur because I can only control so much and shit happens man 🤷‍♀️ I believe in finding a solution for everything so if something goes wrong, we’ll figure that shit out 🖤

We are almost done 👍😂 

Some products are printed or have designs on the front and the back. If there is a design on the front and the back in the product description it will show photos of both sides showing you that it’s double printed. If something is only printed on the back it will not show the front side at all, only the back.

And there will be a separate one of these about it but I will be donating 10% of my profits every month to the Trevor Project. I have been truly blessed and fortunate in my life and I want to help others in need who are not as fortunate and often forgotten about especially our LQBTQ+ PoC trans brothers and sisters and non binary friends and family. I love you all 🖤

Last Thing,

My shit is vulgar, crude, and got a lil bit of attitude. And while it’s funny and also helps a good cause, it might piss some Karen’s off. So general disclaimer, I am not responsible for any Karen’s, Ken’s, Kyle’s (notice another trend?), or any other ignorant ass mf if they decide to confront you just saying.